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Conway One Design

Conway One Design Class Association

Conwy’s own sailing boat – the Conway One Design or CODs as they are affectionately called – were built specifically to race in the waters of Conwy Bay. 

The boat has a fixed keel which is well suited to the often choppy waters of Conwy. This allowed the boats to sail closer to the wind in the narrow mouth of the river. It was said that the design of the keel was well ahead of its time, being placed towards the rear of the boats.

Sailing ability in the local conditions is further helped by the short bluff bow which is able to punch through the choppy seas thrown up by the mixed forces of the wind, river current and tide.

The COD was designed by Mr W H Rowlands, and the first boat was built in 1928, in the yard of Matthew Owen in Menai Bridge. The boat performed well in local regattas and by 1929 a further six boats had been commissioned.

In all 16 boats were built to the design of Mr W H Rowlands but sail numbers go up to 18 – sail numbers 3 and 13 not being used as they were regarded as unlucky.  

Read about the history of these lovely boats

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The Conway One Design Centenary Project

All sixteen boats still exist. However, by the time of the Centenary of the Conway Yacht Club in 2010, quite a few of the wooden boats had fallen into a state of disrepair and there was concern that some appeared to be in imminent danger of total loss.  

A group of Conway Yacht Club members formed an independent private Trust “The COD Centenary Project Trust” to acquire and restore these boats. The Trust is funded mostly by private donation, including a voluntary donation from the Conway Yacht Club members, but has also received grants from Conwy Town Council in view of the heritage value of these old boats.

Thanks to the dedication of an intrepid band of volunteers led by Vic Edwards, the COD Centenary Project has been extremely successful over the last 14 years, having restored 5 CODs. 

COD no. 8 Gwalch *

COD no. 4 Kandahar

COD no. 6 Kathleen

COD no. 5 Cymba

COD no. 7 Blue Bird

Two of these have been sold to private owners and three are still owned by the Trust and are available to hire, for a donation to the Trust to cover berthing fees, insurance, and maintenance. 

As of 2024 there are 14 CODs in seaworthy condition. The fleet has been a colourful part of the Conwy Estuary for over 80 years and dedicated owners and the Centenary Project have ensured the fleets survival.

  • See the whole COD fleet here.
  • Read about the History
  • How to hire, buy or construct a COD
  • *The illustrated story of the restoration of Number 8 “Gwalch” was documented in the “CODBLOG”.